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Teenager building self esteem with daily activities

Teenager selfesteem can build their self-esteem simply by using a daily activity that can be treated like a game and can be fun.

The secret is not so secret. Get your favourite magazine, a poster cardboard, scissors and glue. You might also want to get a drink and a quiet area.

Go through the magazine and cut out all the headings that inspire you and paste them onto the poster.

Now go through and cut out all the photos that inspire you and paste them onto the poster.

Make it look great and hang it somewhere you will see it everyday. When you walk past, read the headings and look at the photos.

You will find yourself becoming inspired and quite proud. By saying the headlines out loud or to yourself you really are saying a daily affirmation to build your self esteem. The photos give you visualisation that you can achieve anything and perhaps one day will visit where the photo was taken.

This is your “Inspiration Poster” so love it and believe in it.

For more discussion on building self esteem, self worth and self confidence for the teenager or even the adult please visit our site for more information http://www.today-self-esteem.com

Quality self esteem improvement sites



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